Calendula Petals 50g

Dried Calendula Petals

Name: Calendula (Marigold Flowers) Latin Name: Calendula officinalis syn. Calendula aurantiaca, Calendula eriocarpa, Calendula hydruntina, Caltha officinalis. Plant Family: Asteraceae Other Names: Calendula, Pot Marigold, Mary Gooles, Merrybud, Marygold & Claveton. Calendula is also known as pot marigold, a traditional remedy used in folk medicine because of the ascribed therapeutic properties. The whole flowers contain the highest amount of the properties, whereas the petals are a much milder version (less bitter when used for teas).

Price £6.50
Weight: 50 g



  • Antibacterial: destroys or suppresses the growth of bacteria
  • Anti-fungal: active against fungi, prevents fungal growth
  • Anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation
  • Antiseptic: preventing the growth of disease-causing microorganisms
  • Antiviral: effective against viruses
  • Analgesic: acting to relieve pain
  • Tonic: – giving a feeling of vigour or well-being
  • Sudorific: relating to or causing sweating
  • Emmenagogue: something that stimulates or increases menstrual flow
  • Antispasmodic: relieves spasm of involuntary muscles
  • Anti-oxidant: inhibits oxidation, negating potentially damaging oxidizing agents
  • Vulnerary: of use in the healing of wounds


  • Stubborn wounds
  • Sore, inflamed and itchy skin conditions
  • Wrinkles, Age spots & Scars
  • Skin tone & vitality
  • Hair & Scalp
  • Care of eyes
  • Sore throats and mouths


  • For lotions, creams, ointments, salves and personal care items
  • As compresses for bruises, scars & wounds
  • Also as compresses for puffy eyes, swollen eyelids, styes & conjunctivitis
  • Considered by the ancient Egyptians to have rejuvenating properties
  • For abdominal cramps and constipation
  • For regulating menstrual flow
  • Flavouring soups and stews
  • As ‘the poor man’s saffron for coloring cheeses, butters and side dishes
  • Calendula whole flowers are used rather than just the petals as the active ingredient is much higher in the whole head.


  • Calendula has emmenagogue properties so can stimulate menstrual flow – it should NOT be used during pregnancy as may induce abortion.

Information provided in the Herbal Apothecary is from the ‘folk herbalist’ tradition and does not pretend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.

Celtic Earth Spirit advises you to consult a medical professional before trying any herbal product.


Our Calendula Petals are produced in facilities handling Nuts, gluten, celery and mustard. Handling procedures are in place to reduce the likelihood of allergens being present, but we cannot guarantee our ingredients are totally free of traces in the products supplied.


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