Marshmallow Root 50g

Dried Marshmallow Root

Name: Marsh Mallow, Common marshmallow Latin Name: Althaea officinalis Plant Family: Malvaceae Its soothing demulcent properties make it very effective in treating inflammations and irritations of the mucous membranes such as the alimentary canal, the urinary and the respiratory organs.

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Price £4.27
Weight: 50 g



  • Antidiarrhoeal
  • Antitussive
  • Demulcent
  • Diuretic
  • Emollient
  • Laxative
  • Odontalgic
  • Urinary


  • The root counters excess stomach acid, peptic ulceration and gastritis. It is also applied externally to bruises, sprains, aching muscles, insect bites, skin inflammations, splinters etc.
  • The whole plant, but especially the root, is antitussive, demulcent, diuretic, highly emollient, slightly laxative and odontalgic.
  • An infusion of the leaves is used to treat cystitis and frequent urination.
  • The leaves are harvested in August when the plant is just coming into flower and can be dried for later use.
  • The root can be used in an ointment for treating boils and abscesses.
  • The root is best harvested in the autumn, preferably from 2 year old plants, and is dried for later use.
  • The German Commission E Monographs, (a therapeutic guide to herbal medicine), approve Althaea officinalis Marsh Mallow for irritation of mouth and throat and associated dry cough/bronchitis (Root and leaf), mild stomach lining inflammation (root).
  • The root is used as a vegetable, when boiled and then fried with onions it is said to make a palatable dish that is often used in times of shortage; it contains about 37% starch, 11% mucilage, 11% pectin.
  • The water left over from cooking any part of the plant (although the root is most effective) can be used as an egg-white substitute in making meringues etc, it is concentrated by boiling until it has a similar consistency to egg white.
  • A tea can be made from both the flowers and the root.


  • There are no known cautions or any adverse effects for Marshmallow Root.
  • However just because something is natural does not mean that somebody, somewhere is not allergic to it.


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